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Tarot Spotlight: David Harvey

By August 4, 2016 August 26th, 2020


Welcome to Tarot Spotlight, where I shine the light on our Biddy Tarot Community members who are making a real difference with Tarot as a guide.

In this post, I chat with David Harvey – professional Tarot reader and founder of Tarot Avenue.

David isn't your typical Tarot reader. (Or maybe he is?! What's ‘typical' anyway?!) By day, he works in a human resources and recruitment firm in Sydney. By night, he's whipping out the Tarot cards and seeking a more soulful connection to the world around him.

While HR and Tarot may seem poles apart, what I am most excited about for David is that he is beginning to integrate the two in beautiful and meaningful ways.

Read on to discover how David first came across the Tarot (only 12 months ago!) and how he's now using the Tarot cards not just for his personal life but to help others navigate their lives – and careers.

How did you first get into Tarot?

I’ve always been interested in everything metaphysical.  When I was very young (around 16) I went to a weekly spiritual church in Scotland. They would have a guest medium each week and on the occasions that I got a reading I would run home to my mum and work out who was connecting with me.  I just loved it.

However, as I got a bit older I turned my back on everything as growing up got in the way.

About a year ago I randomly received an email about a psychic development course and decided to go along with my friend Jennie.  I really enjoyed it but I needed something more tangible so wanted to try Tarot.

I started searching for courses and found that there was a 4-night course starting the next week in The Argyle Oracle in Sydney (they only run them once or twice a year).  Some would call it coincidence but it was clearly meant to be!

I really haven’t looked back since and have been on a crazy ride, which is so fulfilling.

How do you use Tarot now?

I use Tarot in many different ways.

I read for everybody around me – friends, family and colleagues.

But I set up my professional Tarot business at the start of the year and it’s been amazing.  I occasionally read at the Rozelle Collector’s Market as I was keen to get some face to face experience – that has been loads of fun.

I draw daily cards for my social media followers, do monthly Tarotscopes and I also write a monthly fairytale where I just let the cards dictate where the story is going to go and when it will end.

What steps did you take to learn to read Tarot?

After my 4 day Tarot course I had the basics down but of course that was just the beginning.  All of a sudden I could just see lots of opportunities but I knew that I had a lot to learn and I wanted to know everything.

I very quickly made peace with the fact that I will never know everything as I believe that Tarot is actually endless.  It’s a bit like an onion, you discover a layer then find another and another.

One of the key learning tools for me was the Biddy Tarot free reader network (available inside the Biddy Tarot Community).  Being given the opportunity to practice on strangers was absolutely invaluable.  Seriously there is absolutely no way I would be reading professionally today if I had not had this practice.

One of the keys to developing was the fact that I was getting detailed feedback.  This not only helped me figure out what was working and what wasn’t but it also gave me confidence that I was doing a great job and more importantly I was actually making a positive difference to people’s lives.

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What was one of the biggest challenges you've faced learning Tarot?

One of the biggest challenges was feeling that I wasn’t good enough or didn’t know enough compared to those around me.  I quickly got over this but again I think this was due to the positive feedback coming my way from the practice readings I was doing.

I know that a lot of people struggle with trying to learn every card but this was never an issue for me as I was always more interested in the visuals and how that card made me feel (I guess I trusted my intuition from quite early in my journey)

What ONE thing made learning Tarot easy & joyful for you?

I think for me it was the unlocking or exercising of some creative part of my brain that hasn’t been used for a while.  I love seeing the stories in the cards and working out how the characters interact with each other.  I was very lucky when I very first started looking at the cards I could see stories and feel emotions almost instantly.

My life has definitely changed since finding Tarot.  I’ve lost 5 kg (random but I do put that down to Tarot in a roundabout way) and I have a real thirst for knowledge again.   As well as learning Tarot, I’m also learning how to run an online business and spending a lot of my time reading up on the business side and getting inspiration from the amazing entrepreneurs who share their strategies freely on podcasts.

Ok so that’s 2!! Ha-ha!

What's one of your proudest moments as a Tarot reader?

Ohhhh that’s a tricky question.  I’ve had so many cool experiences and am definitely proud of the positive transformation that I have seen in some of my friends and client’s lives since I have been able to give them guidance through Tarot.

However, I think my proudest to date is getting my website and blog up and running.  I’ve had to learn a lot quite quickly and it’s definitely had its challenges but I’m getting there and definitely proud of what I have achieved in a short time.

What's next for you when it comes to Tarot?

I actually have quite a lot going on at the moment.  I’m on the brink of launching a physical product that ties in with Tarot but I can’t say too much about that as it’s not quite finalised yet.

I come from a HR and recruitment background so one of my real passions is to bring Tarot to the mainstream.  I’m working on a boardroom series of Tarot exercises and spreads that can be used in business.  This could be recognising which court card best represents you and your colleagues and how you should interact with each other, how to identify what your dream job is and then how to land that job, decision making about whether you should stay or go etc.  I’m excited about this and look forward to sharing it with you all when it’s finished.

I’m also really keen to continue my studies and grow as a Tarot reader.

Where can people find out more about you?

You can find me at and please feel free to come and visit me on my Facebook page where I do weekly live readings, via Facebook Live.

About David Harvey (Tarot Avenue)

Aug 4_Tarot Spotlight_David HarveyDavid is an intuitive Tarot reader, originally from Scotland but now living in beautiful Sydney, who is skilled in getting to the bottom of the issue at hand. He loves to delve beyond the meaning of each card and find the overall story and key insights that will help the client move forward in the right direction. He sees the Tarot as a really useful tool to provide guidance and always delivers his findings in a positive and empowering manner.

Having worked in HR and recruitment for a number of years, David finds his power when answering career related questions but he has offered guidance and channeled the card’s wisdom to help our lovely clients with a number of questions including love, money and family.

He loves seeing the positive results that Tarot can have on a life and is committed to making the world a better place, one card at a time.

Join the Biddy Tarot Community

If you want to connect with fellow Tarot lovers and be inspired by awesome people like David, then I invite you to join the Biddy Tarot Community.

The Biddy Tarot Community is a modern learning community for people who want to improve their Tarot card reading skills and connect more deeply to their intuition in their day-to-day lives.

Now more than ever, all kinds of people are looking for answers within themselves. Whether you’re a healer or corporate executive, an artist, mechanic, mum or nurse, the Biddy Tarot Community gives you the support, community and nurturing to deepen your connection with your intuition using Tarot!

Join the Community today!


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