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Top 10 Tarot Cards for Living Your Purpose

By April 16, 2014 September 29th, 2022

How good does it feel when finally, everything is working in alignment and you feel truly and deeply connected to your soul's journey? That's what living your purpose is all about – finding the ‘flow' in your life where you are following your calling and doing what you were born to do on this earth.

So what Tarot cards might you expect to see when you are living your purpose?

Here are my top 10 Tarot cards for living your purpose.

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And if you want to discover the top 10 Tarot cards for all kinds of Tarot readings (love, finance, success, travel and more), then click here for my free eBook – Top 10 Tarot Cards. Learn the Tarot card meanings and read Tarot with more accuracy and confidence!


Without a doubt, the Judgement is THE card for living your purpose and following your calling. The archangel calls out to the people below, as they rise up out of their graves and listen to the message from the Universe. When you see this card, you know your ‘calling' is nearby.

High Priestess

The High Priestess is highly attuned to her inner voice and she has a deep and profound connection with the Universe and the subconscious mind. When you see this card in a reading, know that your path towards living your purpose will be revealed through following your gut instincts and your intuition.


Wow – just feel the energy radiating off this card! The Sun is a sign that you have found your place of peace and happiness, and that you are at your most successful when you are indeed following your spiritual path. Trust the inner child within you as it leads you to fun and energising places.


Ahh, the Hermit. He is the epitome of the soul searcher, the person in search of one's spiritual meaning. He lives his purpose in life by following the spiritual path and seeking guidance from within along his way. The further he travels, the more enlightened he becomes about what he is here to do.

Four of Wands

When you see the Four of Wands in a Tarot reading, you know you have found your ‘home'. This is a place where everything fits together and you feel completely safe and secure, ready to celebrate everything that you have in your life. Everything comes to you with ease.

Nine of Cups

The Nine of Cups is perfect for knowing that you have everything you need to be content and happy. When you are living your purpose, you could want for nothing more – it's all right there!


The Fool wakes up every day, ready to embrace a new beginning, a new life. Imagine if our lives could be like this too – living in the present moment, taking each day as it comes. The Fool lives his purpose because he is always ‘in the moment' and ready to start a new adventure, no matter what the obstacles.


The woman in the Star card bathes under the light of the stars, forever connected between earth and Universe. By having faith in where the Universe is guiding her, she allows herself to be guided to where her greatest purpose and meaning lies.


I bet you didn't expect to see the Tower listed here! What I love most about the Tower's energy is that it tears down all of the preconceived ideas, the limiting mindsets and the imposing barriers, making way for new life to begin. Harness the energy of the Tower and challenge the status quo to live the life you were meant to live!


The Lovers is all about living in union and harmony with the Universe. When you are in union with something much bigger than yourself, you have the potential to create even more meaning and purpose in your life. Connect to your values and put love above everything else.

Are you feeling drawn to a particular card? I'd love for you to share your insights on Instagram, and remember to tag #biddytarot so I can see.


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