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Top 10 Tarot Cards for Healing

By April 8, 2015 September 29th, 2022

As we navigate our way through life, we invariably encounter difficult experiences that shake us to our core. It may be a death of a loved one, an ending of a relationship, a loss of a secure job or the end of an important phase or cycle of life. Over time, though, we recover through a process of renewal and healing, as we find the true blessing in our struggles.

So, what Tarot cards might you expect to see when you are going through a period of healing? Here are my top 10 Tarot cards for healing.

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And if you want to discover the top 10 Tarot cards for all kinds of Tarot readings (love, finance, success, travel and more), then click here for my free eBook – Top 10 Tarot Cards. Learn the Tarot card meanings and read Tarot with more accuracy and confidence!


One of the first steps of healing is to acknowledge that something has come to an end. I see the Death card as a sign to meditate on the ending itself in order to acknowledge and accept what has happened. Once we accept that there has indeed been an ending, we are prepared to move to a new beginning.


The Star card is one of the most beautiful and hope-filled cards in the Tarot deck. After we have travelled the tumultuous path of the Tower (which precedes the Star in the Tarot deck), we are met with the transformational and empowering energy of the Star. She is a reminder that the Universe is always with us, through the good and the bad times – we just need faith.

Five of Cups

Healing often requires that we forgive. We may need to forgive ourselves for making a grave mistake, or we may need to forgive someone else for a wrong-doing. Once we have forgiven, we are free to love and trust again.


After a difficult period or event, we may turn our attention inwards for understanding and wisdom about what has happened. Being alone for a certain period of time can provide the time and space to reflect and to develop deep insight into the meaning of these difficult times. The Hermit encourages a personal journey of introspection, away from distraction and outside noise.


Temperance is a very peaceful, balanced card, reminding us that the journey towards healing is a long and slow process, but every step we take is helping us to heal more and more. Similar to the Star card, Temperance reminds you that the Universe is with you and is helping you to reconnect with yourself and your true purpose and meaning, particularly after a difficult or traumatic event.

Six of Swords

The Six of Swords is a gentle reminder to keep moving forward, even when we are still experiencing sadness about we must leave behind. The healing journey requires us to gently let go and release, knowing that it will eventually bring us to a better outcome in the future.

Ace of Cups

The Ace of Cups embodies the overflowing of emotion that so often accompanies the initial stages of the healing process. Do not be afraid to let your emotions flow freely, be it anger, sadness, confusion, nostalgia, or grief. Find an outlet to express yourself and to communicate how you really feel.

Four of Swords

Similar to the Hermit, the Four of Swords reflects the importance of allowing ourselves time and space to truly heal. Rather than rushing around and trying to keep busy all of the time, we must rest and meditate to connect with our thoughts and ourselves.

Three of Cups

Often, when we experience traumatic events, we are reminded how much we cherish our friendships and relationships. Our friends and loved ones can also support us and nurture us as we heal, providing a shoulder to cry on or a big, warm hug when we need it most


What I love most about the Judgement card is that it shows that we have been through the process of self-assessment and have learned something from what has been a difficult situation. We not only judge others but we judge ourselves and take accountability for our actions that have contributed to the situation. We learn, and as we learn, we move forward.

Are you feeling drawn to a particular card? I'd love for you to share your insights on Instagram, and remember to tag #biddytarot so I can see!



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