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Master These 3 Things Before You Read Tarot Professionally

By April 1, 2015 July 27th, 2017


You know what the Tarot cards mean without having to flick your way through a Tarot book, and you have a few handy Tarot spreads up your sleeve.

You're ready to become a professional Tarot reader and start charging for your Tarot readings, right?

Uh – hold that thought for just a second.

Do you know what to do when your client asks you when they will get pregnant or why their husband is always talking to the next-door neighbour? And do you know how to avoid those awkward moments when you draw a blank or don't know how the cards fit together? Or your client complains because they haven't got what they expected from the Tarot reading?

You see, many aspiring Tarot readers make the mistake of ‘going pro' too early and find themselves struggling to deal with the challenges associated with reading Tarot professionally. Their readings feel disjointed and unclear because they haven't found their ‘flow'. And ultimately, they feel out of integrity because they're not offering their absolute best to their clients.

I was in the same boat when I first started reading Tarot professionally in the early 2000's. Sure, I knew what the cards meant and I could pull together a decent reading. But when I had disappointed and/or difficult clients, I didn't know what to do. I didn't have the strategies and techniques in place to deal with them effectively (or avoid them altogether).

Sure, over time, I worked out what I needed to do, but if only I had those strategies from Day One! What a better experience it would have been!

So if you're thinking about ‘going pro', I want to do you a big favour and share the 3 things you need to master (beyond Master the Tarot Card Meanings and spreads) before you start reading Tarot professionally.

1. Know What Kind of Tarot Reader You Are

Are you the type of Tarot reader who can predict exactly when and how an event will occur? Or are you the type of Tarot reader who believes in a more ‘open timeline', depending on the actions a client might or might not take?

Do you believe that our future is set in stone? Or do you believe we create our own destiny?

Do you do your best work answering quick ‘yes or no' questions? Or do you prefer to delve deeper into the cards andexplore the complex dynamics of a situation?

Let me tell you, there are no right or wrong answers here.

What is most important is that you are clear about what kind of Tarot reader you really are, and how you believe the Tarot works.

Why? Because it means that you can set clear expectations about what you, as a reader, can and can't do with the Tarot cards.

And when you set clear expectations, you will attract the clients who value your style of reading, and you will avoid the clients who do not (thus avoiding all the issues around disappointed or difficult clients).

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Add A Bit of Practical Magic to Your Tarot Readings

Join Brigit Esselmont in this groundbreaking workshop and discover the surprising secrets that will help you unlock your true potential and craft impactful, transformational readings — NOW

Do this now. Ask yourself, “What kind of Tarot reader am I? How do I believe the Tarot works? What can and can't I do with the Tarot?”

2. Know How to do a Tarot Reading, From Start to Finish

If you're thinking, “Oh my, Brigit, I totally know how to do a Tarot reading from start to finish. Duh!” then listen up.

I am not simply talking about shuffling the Tarot cards, laying them out and reading the cards. I am talking about engaging with your client from the moment they even know you exist, all the way through to ensuring they are well-supported long after the reading is over.

You see, many Tarot readers just focus their energy on the reading itself. But what they don't realize is that the Tarot reading starts long before the client is even in the room.

You want to make sure you're attracting the right people (especially now that you're super clear on what type of Tarot reader you are!). You want to make sure that you are creating the right space – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. And you want to set clear expectations of what your client will experience with you during a reading.

And, of course, as you do the reading, you want to make sure you've got to the heart of the question, you've selected the right spread and you've uncovered the story in the cards.

And finally, after the reading is over, you want your client to feel supported and you want to know if you've served your client to the best of your ability.

Do this now. To help you master the art of Tarot reading, from start to finish, listen to my podcast episode on the 7 Steps to An Insightful Tarot Reading here.

3. Practice with Strangers and Get Real-Time Feedback

Before you even think about reading Tarot professionally, please, please, please get some experience reading for strangers (free of charge) in exchange for feedback.

I don't mean reading Tarot for your super-supportive mum or sister, or your neighbour's cat. I mean reading Tarot for an absolute stranger who you have never met before.

I know – it can be scary at first when you read Tarot for a stranger. But trust me, this is a VITAL part of your development as a Tarot reader.

Strangers will ask all sorts of weird and wonderful questions (helping you to set your boundaries about what you can and can't do with the Tarot). And they will respond in all sorts of weird and wonderful ways – from glowing praise to direct criticism (helping you improve your skills and deal with all types of clients).

Reading Tarot for free in exchange for feedback was how I cut my teeth in Tarot and after 100s of free readings, I am so glad I did it. The experience was incredibly valuable and insightful.

Do this now. Offer free Tarot readings to strangers in exchange for feedback. Or get started straight away inside the Biddy Tarot Community with access to 100s of potential clients and a supportive, private community of aspiring Tarot readers.

Over to You

What steps will you take in order to start reading professionally? Or, if you're already a professional Tarot reader, what was the one thing you did to prepare that made your journey a success?


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