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Monthly Tarot Forecast for March 2018

By March 1, 2018

monthly tarot forecast march 2018

March 2018 invites you to let go of feeling the “juggle struggle”! You have everything you need to keep your head above water, so catch your breath and remember that you’re going to be OK. You have all of the resources you need inside of you to manifest what you want to create, and after a frantic and frazzled February, you’re going to want to bring a sense of order back into your life. To regain control of the chaos this month, focus on cleaning up and putting things in their proper place. 

Watch the Tarot card forecast to learn more about what's coming up in March 2018 and how to make the most of the month ahead. 

Tarot deck used in this video: Lumina Tarot


Hi, I’m Brigit, Founder of Biddy Tarot, and this is the Monthly Tarot Forecast for March 2018. 


Let’s start off with what is passing through your life right now. What is it that you can let go of as you come into the month of March? 

I have here the Two of Pentacles, reversed, and this is from the Lumina Tarot. I see this as a sign that you can let go of having to juggle multiple priorities. I don’t know about you, but February was pretty crazy busy, and with a card like this, it’s a sign that you can just let go of all of that. You can let go of feeling frantic, frazzled and trying to juggle all of those different priorities. Now you can bring back a little bit more order into your life, and we’ll see that in the third card for today’s reading. 

Two of Pentacles, you are letting go of that juggling feeling that you’re just barely keeping your head above water when it comes to your daily tasks and activities. Let that stuff go! 


Well, we have the Star card in the reversed position. The Star card is all about this sense of faith, trust in the universe, inspiration and belief in yourself. And when we see it in the reversed position, this is very much about this energy happening internally. 

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What is emerging right now is this inner faith and trust that you have all of the resources that you need to manifest what you want to create. There’s so much self-belief that is coming through right now. 

If you’ve had a bit of a bad run in the last few months, then this card is a really welcome sign that there’s a renewed feeling of “You know what? Everything is going to be OK. I can handle this. I’ve got what I need, and if I stay connected with the universe and I stay connected with my intuition, I’m going to be OK.” That’s what we’re seeing in this card. 


What action can you take for the month ahead? Well, we have the Four of Pentacles here. With the Four of Pentacles, it’s all about getting things in order and getting more of a sense of control, particularly over finances, physical possessions and getting your life back in order. 

If you had a little bit of this Two of Pentacles kind of energy going on, which is quite chaotic, you feel like you're barely keeping your head above water. This card, in contrast, is about getting your foundations back, getting back in control and moving forward with that. 

As an example, I often get to the weekend, the house is a mess, and I feel like I’ve just completely lost control, and for me to feel good again and balance, I like to just clean up the house, get everything back in order, everything back in its place, and then I feel a lot calmer and a lot better. 

It’s the same that we’re seeing in this card as well. Think about how you can get a bit more control and order back into your life this month. 


That’s it for now. I hope you have a fabulous month ahead, and I look forward to connecting with you again very, very soon! 

If you want to find out more about the Tarot card meanings, head on over to, and you’ll find all of the card meanings for all of the cards right over there. 

Bye for now! Have a great month, and I’ll speak to you soon. 


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