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Keep Calm and Tarot On: A Message of Hope and Inspiration for Tarot Beginners

By January 28, 2015 May 4th, 2018



“Tarot is so hard! I'm ready to give up!”

Oh dear. Such crushing words.

“I can't memorise what one card means, let alone 78! I have tried and tried and tried, but I just can't do it. I'm always looking up the meanings on your website and desperately searching your Ultimate Guide for the answer. I'll never be able to read Tarot!”

I was listening to a woman who was telling me about her journey with the Tarot cards. She so desperately wanted to connect with the Tarot because she had seen how much it had helped her friends during difficult times, but she was struggling and ready to give up.

My heart was reaching out BIG time.

It saddened me that, despite seeing the potential in the Tarot, this woman was about to turn her back on her Tarot cards because it was all too hard and overwhelming.
And she's not alone.

In December, I asked the Biddy Tarot community about the biggest challenges they face when reading Tarot. Over 600 people responded, each with their own unique challenges and struggles.

As I read through the responses, I heard the same messages over and over again…

You struggle with self-doubt and lack confidence in your Tarot reading abilities.

You second-guess your intuition and you worry that what you see in the cards isn't right and if, in fact, you're way off.

You're challenged by the technical aspects of Tarot reading – what do the court cards really mean, are reversed cards always negative, and how do you read Tarot card combinations?

And you're overwhelmed by the sheer volume of knowledge you need to take in about Tarot before you feel ‘qualified' to start reading the cards.

Oh sweet pea, I just want to reach out and give you a virtual hug!

Why? Because I know that reading Tarot doesn't have to be hard, complicated or stressful.

In fact, learning Tarot should be fun, easy and engaging.

And I’m on a mission to make sure of that.

I believe that Tarot is such an amazing, powerful tool that brings deep, spiritual insight into our lives. Not only can we learn about ourselves through Tarot but we can help others by reading the cards for friends, loved ones and paying clients.

And most importantly, I believe everyone should have access to the power that the Tarot offers.

Keep Calm and Tarot On

Do you want to know what the secret is to reading Tarot from a place of joy, clarity and confidence?

Keep calm and Tarot on!

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Add A Bit of Practical Magic to Your Tarot Readings

Join Brigit Esselmont in this groundbreaking workshop and discover the surprising secrets that will help you unlock your true potential and craft impactful, transformational readings — NOW

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Add A Bit of Practical Magic to Your Tarot Readings

Join Brigit Esselmont in this groundbreaking workshop and discover the surprising secrets that will help you unlock your true potential and craft impactful, transformational readings — NOW

Sure, you might be freaking out about what on earth the Eight of Pentacles means in a love reading or why the Tower is showing up as an opportunity (say what?!).

But the more you freak out, the further you are from realizing the full potential of the Tarot and the more likely you will be to give up completely.

So take a deep breath, and know that this is all part of the journey.

Really – it is that simple.

When you begin to ‘play' with your Tarot cards, rather than ‘study' with them, you open yourself up to a much more positive and uplifting mindset that helps you to become a better Tarot reader.

And when you begin to create your own intuitive and personalized meanings of the Tarot cards rather than rote learning from books and website, you form a deep connection with the cards which is fulfilling and joyful.

Step Into Your Fullest Potential – Become an Amazing Tarot Reader

In fact, if you really want to be an amazing Tarot reader, you need to learn what amazing Tarot readers learn.

You need to learn how to create a PERSONAL CONNECTION with the Tarot cards so you can read from the heart, not just the book.

You need to learn the BASIC SYSTEMS behind the Tarot cards so you can interpret not just individual cards but ALL cards.

And you need to learn SIMPLE BUT POWERFUL TECHNIQUES to interpret the Tarot cards so you can avoid overwhelm and read with confidence.

So how do you learn all these amazing things?

You're invited to join me on a 7-week journey through the Tarot cards to help you become an amazing, confident and intuitive Tarot reader.

Master the Tarot Card Meanings

In my latest online Tarot course, Master the Tarot Card Meanings, I'll show you how to build a personal connection with the Tarot, using simple yet powerful techniques for interpreting the Tarot cards. I'll teach you the ‘must know' systems that sit behind the Tarot cards that make learning Tarot super easy. And together, we'll walk through the 78 Tarot cards so you can master each and every one of them, once and for all.

Each week, we'll have a 90-minute live and interactive training webinar. You'll have a Workbook with practical assignments and activities to apply your new skills and knowledge. And you'll be part of an inspiring Tarot community via our exclusive TF1 Facebook group.

“Prior to starting the TF1 course, I had self doubt on many levels; I wasn’t confident that I could learn how to read the cards in a more intuitive fashion. I had taken tarot classes a long time ago, attached key words to the cards, but often found myself “stuck” or puzzled regarding interpretations. This meant more self-doubt and I wound up googling every possible meaning to understand the card’s message. Now, I feel entirely enlightened on the magical process of how the cards speak! This is so exciting! I am able to start seeing new messages other than keywords and my confidence is starting to build when I make a suggestion in a reading and the client is amazed at the accuracy of my statement or comment. It’s such a beautiful and brilliant process!” ~ Laurel Santiago

Can't wait to get started? Enrollment is open now and you can Master the Tarot Card Meanings

Be quick – doors close for TF1 Live on February 8, 2015 and won't open again this year. Don't wait another 12 months to master the Tarot card meanings and become a confident Tarot reader!

Over to You

What has most helped you to overcome any feelings of overwhelm when learning to read Tarot? How do you “keep calm and Tarot on”?

Share your comments below!



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Add A Bit of Practical Magic to Your Tarot Readings

Join Brigit Esselmont in this groundbreaking workshop and discover the surprising secrets that will help you unlock your true potential and craft impactful, transformational readings — NOW

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Add A Bit of Practical Magic to Your Tarot Readings

Join Brigit Esselmont in this groundbreaking workshop and discover the surprising secrets that will help you unlock your true potential and craft impactful, transformational readings — NOW