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A Behind-the-Scenes Tour of My Email Tarot Readings

By August 28, 2013 May 4th, 2018

blog-20130828-behind-the-scenes-email-tarot-readingWhen I tell people that I read Tarot professionally via email, one of the first questions they ask is, “Do you actually do the reading, or do you just do it automatically in a template on your computer?”

Say what?!  An automatic Tarot reading?  No way!

But it got me thinking.  How do people know how an email Tarot reading is done, if they're not there to see it?  How do they know they are actually getting the real deal?

Today, I'm going to lift the veil and give you a special behind-the-scenes tour of how I do my email Tarot readings on Biddy Tarot.

Of course, every Tarot reader is different, and there's no right or wrong. But if you're curious to see how one professional reader does her Tarot readings, then read on!

Engaging with My Clients

My clients find me at my website, on the Book a Tarot Reading page.

Here, I clearly outline what people can expect in a Tarot reading with me so that I attract the clients who will get the most value out of working with me. I also provide exact details of how to purchase a Tarot reading so that my clients can make a purchase with confidence and certainty.

Clients click on the ‘Buy Now' button to purchase a Tarot reading, which takes them to PayPal. After the payment is complete, they're automatically taken to the request form on my website.


On the request form, I ask for their name, email, birth date (I sometimes use the Personal Year number in a reading), gender and a recent photo. I also ask for the question along with some details about the situation. Having been inspired by James Wells and Carrie Paris, I now also ask about the client's desired outcome (essential in creating an empowering, choice-based reading), current challenges in achieving that outcome, and what they want to get out of the reading itself.

Reviewing the Request

The first thing I do when I receive a request in my Inbox is review all of the information and make sure that I can answer the client's question(s) within my ethical boundaries.

Sometimes, a client might ask about health or a third party which is outside of my personal ethics so I'll work with the client to see if we can shift the focus of the question back to what is within the client's control and what I can ethically answer.

Co-Creating the Tarot Spread

What I also do at this stage is start creating the customised Tarot spread for the client. Working with the client's question, details, desired outcome and challenges, I formulate a spread that is tailored to their needs.

I am now in the practice of sharing the spread with the client before the reading and checking in to make sure it answers the client's question. This is proving to be a very effective way of engaging the client and making sure we're on the same page.

Scheduling the Reading

Once a request comes through, I add it to my Reading Scheduler. This is a simple, home-made Excel spreadsheet that helps me keep track of when a request has been submitted and when it's ‘due'. It also helps me to manage the number of requests I can take on any given day – an essential part of maintaining my self-care.


Reading the Tarot Cards

Once I'm ready to actually do the Tarot reading, I find a quiet place – often in our bedroom or a spare room. (I've even read in the bathroom once, just to get some space!)

I open up my laptop and load up my Tarot reading template with the client's details inserted. In my template, I include a short piece on how I believe the Tarot works, I leave space for the actual Tarot spread and reading (that's not templated!), and I have a short sign-off.

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Add A Bit of Practical Magic to Your Tarot Readings

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 I centre myself by closing my eyes, taking in 3 deep breaths and asking for peace and focus in my reading.

I then focus on my client's question(s), reading through their original request and reminding myself of the Tarot spread we had co-created. At the same time, I shuffle the cards, cut the deck into 3 piles, turn one pile 180 degrees (so that I can use reversals in the reading), then put the piles back together and shuffle again. When it feels ready, I lay out the cards from the top of the deck.

(For a 2-card Quick Answer Tarot reading, I will shuffle and then fan out the cards, selecting two cards from the fan.)

To interpret the reading, I first scan the whole reading. I look for patterns in the cards and I start to build a story of what I perceive is happening in the client's life. I then start typing the reading with that initial story.

Then, I move through each card, relating it to the position of the spread and to the cards around it. I often find myself linking multiple cards together, looking for common threads, symbols and associations between the cards. All the while, I'm madly typing away to record the reading for the client.

As I'm reading the cards, I often ‘hear' certain phrases or sentences. It's a little like channelling a message that may be prompted by the Tarot cards in front of me, or from a more Divine channel. Oftentimes, the words are just flowing from my intuition through my fingers and onto the keyboard and computer screen. It's quite magical.

I end the reading with another summary and a path forward for the client, based on what I've seen in the cards. Sometimes I might include some ‘homework' – a particular card to meditate with or some self-reflection questions.

I also add the card images to the document so the client can connect with the cards themselves.

I then respond to the client's original email with the reading attached as a Word document and invitation for further discussion to clarify any part of the reading or to provide feedback.

Once I've hit ‘Send', I'll usually take this moment to get up, have a walk around and generally clear any energy left over from the reading, ready for the next one.

And that, my friends, is how I do an email Tarot reading!

Making it Your Own

If you're a Tarot reader yourself and want to try some of these techniques – go for it! But also work in your own methods that feel right for you. Avoid the temptation to simply ‘copy' what someone else is doing – find your own rhythm and style and go with it. It will be a much better fit for you anyway!

Over to You

What techniques do you use for your email Tarot readings? Share your ideas and comments below.

Want to Experience the Real Thing?

Curious to see how an email Tarot reading really works? Come and experience the real thing – book a Tarot reading with me here.


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