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Five Steps to Health, Wealth, and Happiness in 2018

By December 14, 2017 October 26th, 2018

Health Wealth Happiness

As we approach the end of one year and look forward to the next, it's important to take some time and figure out just what it is you'd like to see happen in your life next year. Taking this time to really visualise what you want in the upcoming year is going to help you achieve it. It's much harder to work towards goals that don't exist, and creating resolutions and goals that are aligned with your Highest Good will improve your life. 

These five steps will help you plan to make the coming year the happiest, healthiest, and wealthiest year you've had so far. 

1. Dial in to your intuition 

Your intuition is one powerful tool! As you practice trusting your intuition more, you'll find that it becomes easier. Dialling into your intuition can be as simple as listening to the first answer that comes to mind, meditating or getting quiet and just listening for thoughts to surface, or even using your Tarot deck to practice tapping into and trust your intuition.

You can also learn more about how to develop your intuition on the Biddy Tarot Podcast with Licia Morelli. 

2. Set your intentions for the quarter 

It's important to set an intention for each quarter, as this will help you focus on what you'd like to accomplish, feel, or put the most effort into in the upcoming months. It's a good idea to keep your intentions to a maximum of five to avoid becoming overwhelmed and lose your focus.

Setting intentions is an amazing way to create positive change in your life because when you are clear about what you want to do or feel, you can act intentionally instead of just coasting through life. This is how change is made, and one of the most powerful ways you can make 2018 your best year yet.

3. Discover how to manifest your goals with your intuition as a guide 

Your intuition can guide you to manifesting your goals- if you're willing to listen! 

You can use Tarot to intuitively decide what your goals should be by creating a manifestation spread. 

You'll need to pull seven cards- one for each of the following questions. 

  1. Where am I now in relation to my goal? 
  2. How am I in relationship with my goal? 
  3. What do I need to release? 
  4. What do I need to grow? 
  5. What steps can I take? 
  6. What lesson will I need to master? 
  7. What might I experience over the next year? 

Once you pull the cards, explore what your intuition is guiding you to realize based on the cards. Use this intuitive guidance to move forward and manifest your goals with ease!

4. Connect with the energies of what's coming up for the month 

Discover the energy of the upcoming month by pulling a few Tarot cards and interpreting them intuitively.

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Once you have an idea of what the energy of the month is going to be like- tap into what that means for you- and how that will affect your goals. You can also use this energy to plan your quarter. If the energy seems as if it will be great for productivity one month, schedule in more activities to reach your goal. If the next month is more for releasing and introspection, plan to give yourself extra time and space to get things accomplished.

5. Review and reflect each quarter 

Reflecting and reviewing your quarter is so important to celebrate success, get an idea of where you're at on the journey towards your goals, and decide what you should focus on next. You can even make this a fun ritual by giving yourself time to enjoy this process. Grab your favourite beverage, some calming music, your Tarot deck, and really allow yourself to relax as you reflect on the previous quarter.

Ask yourself the following questions will allow you to get the most out of your reflection: 

  • What was my greatest “win” this quarter? 
  • What lessons did I learn? 
  • What do I need to leave behind? 
  • What do I need to focus on to grow and nurture?

Following these five steps will allow you to create a year full of health, happiness, and wealth; a year that is aligned with your greatest good and leaves room for you to grow and prosper. 

If you're ready to really make this your best year yet, the Biddy Tarot Planner is the perfect tool for you. You'll be able to plan out your year with the help and guidance of the Tarot, set goals and intentions that are in alignment with what you truly desire for the upcoming year, and keep everything organized all in one place. 


Get the 2019 Biddy Tarot Planner 

Did you know only 8 percent of people are actually successful in achieving their resolutions each year? 

Often, it’s because they’re choosing goals that don’t align with what their higher self REALLY wants. 

Or – because after February or so, they don’t have the motivation to check back in with themselves. 

If you’re anything like me (and I have sneaking suspicion you are!), you may use Tarot cards to plan and set goals for your day, week, month, and year ahead. I find that planning with the Tarot enables me to tap into what my Highest Self really wants and encourages me to stay on track with my goals. 

That’s why we created the 2019 Biddy Tarot Planner! We designed it just for YOU, to help you create an amazing year ahead, with your intuition and Tarot cards as a guide.  

Biddy Tarot Planner 


  • Getting crystal clear on your goals using intuitive insights and Tarot as a guide.  
  • Aligning your goals with your highest self.  
  • Manifesting your goals and intentions with sacred action. 
  • Staying on track with your goals and resolutions all year long.  
  • Maintaining a monthly connection to your soul with Tarot as a guide. 
  • Having a blast connecting with the Tarot cards.  
  • Having your BEST YEAR YET! 




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