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BTP3: The Science of Intuition with Mary Greer


As Tarot readers, we pride ourselves on being able to connect with our intuition when reading the Tarot cards.

But are we really connecting with intuition, or simply seeing what we (or our clients) want to see in the cards?

In this Biddy Tarot Podcast episode, I talk with Mary Greer about the science of intuition and how we can venture beyond our egos to truly connect with the collective consciousness and create more meaningful experiences with the Tarot cards.

Mary discusses:

  • How intuition really works in a Tarot reading (it's not what you think)
  • The difference between being psychic and intuitive (and gives the clearest explanation I have ever heard!)
  • Why when we ‘think' we're being highly intuitive, we might be completely off-track
  • A ‘checklist' to know whether you're truly dialled in to your intuition

Let's get into it…

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Additional Resources:

Learn more about Mary Greer at:

Mary recommends the following books on the science of intuition:

Podcast Transcript

Brigit: Hello and welcome to the third episode of the Biddy Tarot podcast!

Today we’re talking about intuition.

As Tarot readers we know it’s essential to connect with our intuition when reading the Tarot cards. It’s really what makes a Tarot reading magical and insightful.

But connecting with our intuition can often be hard or challenging. Intuition is kind of like this intangible thing that we don’t always completely understand……or do we?

Perhaps there’s a little bit more to intuition than meets the eye.

Well today I’m speaking with someone very special to the Tarot world about the science of intuition.

She is someone who I would call the Grandmother of Tarot, and who has been incredibly influential in Tarot over the last 40 years through her books, workshops, and classes.

She is the author of two of the most pivotal books in Tarot, Tarot for Yourself, and 21 Ways to Read the Tarot Cards.

She is none other than the legendary, Mary Greer.

Welcome Mary!

Brigit: It’s so good to have you here!

Mary Greer: I’m really glad to be on your podcast. Thank you, Brigit.

Brigit: Wonderful.

Before we sort of get into like all the juicy stuff around intuition and the science that sits around intuition, can you tell me a little bit about how you found Tarot in the early days?

Or perhaps how Tarot found you?

Mary Greer: Whoa, that goes back to the Sixties – I hate to say how long ago it was – but I was in College and a friend got Eden Gray’s book The Tarot Revealed for Christmas. And she didn’t get a deck, so we were looking at the book trying to figure out what you do with this, and how does it really work.

And I remember this feeling of jealousy, which was rather unusual. I wanted that book. And I wanted these decks – they seemed to speak to me.

And that was based on my having started studying, in College, Jungian Approach to Literature. I was a Literature major, so the whole idea of the Collective Unconscious, and Archetypes, and symbols – and also I was reading Joseph Campbell with The Hero’s Journey – and to me, I could see that these were stories that you could tell about people that helped to see them in that kind of a context. You know: What were the main symbols in their life? What were the issues that they were dealing with on this journey?

And it turned out that, indeed, Eden Gray called – she was the first person to name it – the Fool’s Journey, similar to The Hero’s Journey.

And later people also drew parallels, but I was already starting to put that together as looking at these images and seeing how you told stories with them.

So I went on my first spiritual question, borrowing a car, asking everyone, “Where can I find the cards that go with this book?”

And that kind of became my journey to find how to use this. And then I just started reading for everybody, and all their friends. And people would go, “How did you know that?”

And I would go, “Well, that’s what the cards say.”

So, it really worked for me especially in terms of my studies in literature. And also I was in Theatre, and a lot of the works we were focusing on had heavy symbolic meanings. And I said, “We’re living these same mythic stories. It’s just about seeing that, seeing that context.”

And the cards help us to do that.

Brigit: Yeah, absolutely. And I imagine that the Sixties were actually quite different in terms of Tarot, that say now when we’ve got thousands of Tarot decks, we’ve got so many Tarot books available. Like the information available to learn Tarot is huge.

Was that quite different to when you first discovered the Tarot cards?

Mary Greer: Oh yeah, when I first found them at the stores I could just find the Rider-Waite deck, and the Marseille Tarot.

And I got a Marseille Tarot fairly early on, but never could make heads or tails of it because I really responded to the images and the story telling ability based on these symbols.

So, for me, that became my core deck and it wasn’t until a couple of years later that other decks that were being developed at that time became readily available. So, you know, we had the New Tarot for the Aquarian Age which was rather strange, but exciting at the same time; and David Palladini’s Aquarian Tarot; and other ones that were coming in at the time.

Brigit: And I suppose there’d be all of this kind of space – creative space – to figure out how you want to connect with the Tarot cards, versus, you know, what you might be reading the experts say in terms of reading Tarot.

Mary Greer: I think in a way we have a little more creativity now because we’ve been opened up to there being a lot options.

And at first it was like having to go to the books because I didn’t know anybody else that read Tarot. So going to the books to try and figure it out.

The only thing that really made the connection for me was that kind of Jungian connection, and everybody else was making that connection at the same time. But it was still much more narrow. We weren’t creating spreads yet. We weren’t creating our own decks.

So I would say now we’ve got much more license to be creative, but the small areas in which we were feeling creative we delved into in much more depth earlier on.

Brigit: Yeah, interesting. I would say like the books that you wrote – 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card – is very much about like the self-exploration side of Tarot, which I think is just fabulous. I think, to me, that’s where all the energy is.

And sort of the specialness of the Tarot is when we work with it on a personal or an individual level.

Mary Greer: Thank you, but realise that that was also, let’s see, at least 12 to 15 years after I’d been into the Tarot – so that was developing along with other developments in my own life by putting together a lot of work I was doing with deep, intensive journal work, and guiding people through that; and all the stuff that came up in the late Seventies, and the early Eighties.

Alternative methods of teaching that were really coming – being explored. You know, I happened to be right on the cutting edge of – especially in San Francisco where we felt free to explore some of these, and push boundaries.

But that was almost like a next stage, definitely well after the Sixties.

Brigit: Okay, wonderful.

So, how do you now see the Tarot working for you? And particularly bringing in the concept of intuition, how do you see Tarot and intuition partnering together?

Mary Greer:   That’s a huge subject in its own right, because I don’t think we can escape from it.

Intuition is a totally natural aspect of our lives, of our way of thinking. And when we’re looking at cards, and making up stories about them, we’re definitely operating in that realm of intuition, which is at the core of storytelling, of imagination.

It’s also the basis of our gut feeling, and that’s where we’re told to try to access when we’re working with Tarot. To access that: What does our gut tell us about what is going on here?

All of that is intuition.

I should say I see intuition as really being part of a continuum, and it’s a continuum that’s kind of a bridge between the unconscious and the conscious. And so it goes all the way from pure instinct; to those gut feelings – which is kind of a step up; to empathy – which really brings in the feelings, and if we get into the science what are called mirror neurons that we develop when we’re just babies, where we start mirroring people – they’re smiling, they’re frowning – and we get associations between pleasure and pain according to what we mirror in the people around us, and we start mirroring them on very subtle levels of emotions. That’s the basis of empathy.

And then we get into intuition, which operates not through conscious, rational, analytical thinking. And then it goes on up into the conscious, rational, and logical.

And somewhere along that continuum is the psychic.

And I think I’m different in that I see psychic perceptions and intuitions as different. They’re along the same continuum, but – and there are no hard edges – one can trigger the other, and feed off the other – but I do see them as different.

Brigit: And are you able to sort of put into words how you see the difference between psychic and intuitive abilities?

Mary Greer: The most simple way to see it – the core of it – is that intuition is based on information in the environment.

We take that information in from somebody that we are sitting across from, or even speaking on the phone to, or even the way in which they phrase an email question – although we get less information that way. But we get information from all these different sources and intuition puts it together very quickly, and recognizes patterns based on our experience, a large part of which are part of unconscious memories.

The psychic ability has no physical sensory input, in that the psychic information doesn’t come because somebody is wearing a paint spattered shirt. Intuition will pick that up and put it together with a lot of other stuff – even unconsciously. The psychic ability – all of a sudden you’re seeing palm trees and beach, and feeling warm moistness, and you go, “Oh, did you just come back from Hawaii or somewhere?”

And the person goes, “How did you know?”

And you go – you kind of stumble because there is no sensory information there.

It comes through feelings of the moisture and the heat, and images of palm trees, but there was nothing in the environment to give you that information.

Brigit: Yes. I’ve never heard such a clear explanation between the psychic and the, you know, the intuitive elements. I think that makes it very crystal clear.

Mary Greer: Yeah, psychic is paranormal.

It’s beyond the normal. Intuition is normal.

Brigit: And do you think, say for a Tarot reader – because I know this is something that plays on a lot of people’s minds, ‘Oh, my goodness, am I psychic enough? And if I’m not having all these psychic insights, am I still going to be a good Tarot reader?’

What’s your perspective on that?

Mary Greer: There are many, many different kinds of Tarot readers.

And I think it’s important for people as they’re learning, to really work on their strengths, and then eventually work on their weaknesses. But first get in touch where your strengths are, and learn to work with those.

So for somebody who is very psychic and uses the cards to just start some kind of, you know, trigger action into their own psychic awareness place, that’s fine. And they should go with that.

Somebody that’s intuitive – I’m highly intuitive – I recognize patterns very quickly – and then I look for the meaning in those patterns, or help someone find the meaning in those patterns.

And so – and I’m also very empathic – as a matter of fact I have to watch it because I will start feeling with the person, which can get me into a lot of trouble. So I’ve had to learn to differentiate that from the intuitive sense that I have of what’s going on.

So, it’s more important to be able to distinguish when – what modes you’re using. I think you can be more accurate, and get yourself in less trouble, the more you understand the energies that you work with most naturally and best.

Brigit: I think that’s a really good way of looking at it in terms of not saying you must be ultra-psychic to be a great reader; it’s more about working with what you can do already, and where your strengths and talents lie.

I’m interested like with intuition, and then say the use of NLP, Neuro Linguistic Programming; do you see quite a partnership there?

Because I’ve always been attracted to NLP, because it’s kind of like almost like a scientific breakdown of how we intuit things through more verbal cues – have you seen those two play together?

Mary Greer: I’m not really well versed in NLP, but I know what you’re talking about in terms of people breaking down a lot of the stages of intuition.

The things that we sub-consciously notice, NLP tried to make them more conscious and aware. You know, what direction somebody’s eyes go; what their bodily reaction is.

I haven’t gotten trained in it but I am very aware of people’s reactions. For instance, you turn over a card and it’s the Tower, and the person draws back – the client draws back. I usually say to them, “I saw you draw back when you saw this card. Look at the card and tell me what in it had you react that way.”

And then I’m hearing how they’re responding to it; and where that draw back, which I assume, my intuition tells me is probably related to some kind of fear. It may not be huge, it could just be mild, and that we need to move through that in order to get to a full range of possibilities.

Brigit: So do you think that, say, something like intuition, which often is dealing with kind of an intangible element, do you think it is something we can break down into: Look for these kinds of things, and that might tell you X, Y, Z?

Or do you think it’s always going to be something that kind of has a bit of an enigma around it?

Mary Greer: It has a bit of an enigma around it – of course it will.

Anybody that is researching it comes up against that, to some extent. Even though they can find out in research that something works and something doesn’t. But how that changes or manifests in a person’s life, leads often to so many things.

For instance, people, if they spend a lot of money on something, people will convince themselves that that was the right decision, and what they did is valuable. And if you give them a choice then to go with something different that could be of theoretically equal value, but to exchange their experience, often they’ll cling to the original thing because they’ve convinced themselves so deeply of the value of it.

It’s one reason why we get so many comments from readers who say, “My clients tell me how accurate I am, and how wonderful the reading is.”

A certain amount of that is that you’ve just spent 30, 60 dollars, whatever it is, for a reading, you’re going to convince yourself how important it was and find the most important and significant things in that experience – even if you have to make them up.

Brigit: Interesting.

Mary Greer: So if you ask that client what the most important thing you said was, if you really listen and give them plenty of space to answer, sometimes they will tell you the exact opposite of what you said.

And you go, “Wait a minute, I didn’t say that. I said the opposite.”

And they’ll go, “No, no. I heard you say this.”

So most of us don’t do that extra step of having somebody – a client – reiterate what they heard, or what they got out of the reading specifically.

And I think people would be very surprised if they did.

Brigit: And maybe that’s like a good extra step that people can put into their Tarot reading process, I suppose – is at the end of the reading to have that client summarize what they heard, so that you can check in to make sure that that is consistent with what you’re relaying as a reader.

Mary Greer: But you have to train yourself to really be open and hear what they say also.

Brigit: Okay, yes.

Mary Greer:   And a lot of intuition is really to train the intuition, because let me get into a little bit of the negative side.

A lot of what we think is intuition, actually consists of our projections. As a matter of fact, if you wanted to say, “What’s the basis of readings? How do they work?” you could give a very good argument for it being simply projections. Projections that work – that we fiddle around with until they come into alignment with the person.

And so a lot of the intuition are biases, are prejudice, are assumptions, and opinions, are beliefs about things – faulty information as well as accurate information. And all of our old experiences.

So if there’s a dog on a card, we might project “dogs are man’s best friend”; whereas somebody else might project “dogs can really be a companion but you have to be careful that they don’t startle you”.

And you go, “Oh yeah, I’ve been having this thing where I got startled. How did you know?”

And, you know, there’s not really the intuitive thing going on – the client found a way to make a connection, and no we’re off, and we’re building a story. And once somebody – this is one of the scientific things that they found – is that once somebody starts building a story and getting into the details of it, it’s very hard to break it out of that story.

Online forums have been wonderful, because if you sit there and analyse people’s readings for someone else, especially when you have a whole group of people giving their individual readings of somebody’s cards, you’re going to find that there’s a whole range of answers. And a lot of them are the kind of, “Well, you know, there’s a dog in the image, and dogs are frightening. And so there’s a frightening element in this.”

And bringing in these individual things, and building a whole story off of that, where it might just be a small, insignificant, to someone else, piece of the reading.   There are so many other images in the cards, why did they pick on that one?

So, you know, it’s pretty easy if you go through and analyse people, to find this.

The other thing is wishful thinking. And that ties in with our tendency to want to fix people – to give them solutions.

So if somebody asks, “Will I get the award?”

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You’ll have people say, “Yes you can get it if you will do this and this and this” – that they are picking up from the cards.

Now if they answered the question, “No,” – the question was yes or no, you’re going to get the award and you’re not going to get the award – what we want to do is fix them by giving them some sort of positive framework out of our own experience, out of our assumptions how to do that, that will make the person feel better, more comfortable, more relaxed – and might actually help them to be in a better place to get whatever it is that they want.

So it’s not all bad news, our doing that, but it’s interesting how we’ll jump from the question itself to something else because we’re trying to fix the person, find a sense of joy from them, based on our opinions and our experiences, and our storytelling. Does it fit in with the story that we start perceiving? How can we make it fit in?

Intuition jumps immediately to conclusions about things: “Yes, you can get this if…..”

Because now I can give you advice, which means that I can fix any fear that you have that you won’t get it.

If we’re training our intuition we have to train ourselves to know when we’re doing all of those different things.

Brigit: Right.

Because do you think – I mean, say for example the fixing piece – do you think – is that still adding value to the reading?

Or do you think it’s better that we stop getting into fixing mode and just deliver the answer; or are we doing the right thing by getting into fixing mode?

Or do we just need to be conscious that we’re doing it, and then label it as that?

Does that make sense?

Mary Greer: A little bit of all of them.

And a part of it depends on the kind of reader you are. I can’t say somebody is absolutely bad at it.

I have a personal inner need to try and fix people, and it gets in the way of clear information. And therefore, I try to catch myself as soon as I go into fixing mode because ultimately I’m trying to fix a disease in myself when I empathise with distress in someone else.

I then feel distress in myself, and I want to get out of that feeling, and therefore I try to fix them, because it will make me, ultimately, feel better.

I recognize this whole pattern, and as soon as I see it I’ve got a little mantra in myself which is: You don’t have to fix it. You don’t have to fix it.

And, as I settle into that, I can start seeing the situation much more clearly, and it releases usually a piece that they haven’t even asked for.

It goes also in with my own philosophy which is that I can’t fix anybody else, they can only fix themselves and, therefore, I can start working with them to help them find the way to find meaning in, or find some kind of understanding, in the situation which my philosophy says is one of the best ways for them to begin the process of fixing the situation for themselves – for them to find a point of empowerment for themselves, their own point of power in the situation.

And if I can facilitate that, that to me is the best of what I can do.

But it’s based on that’s my philosophy, and that’s what gives me the sense that I’m offering the most that I can to anybody I’m working with – the best that I can.

My biggest thing is “lazy way” – and it’s really serving myself more than them.

Brigit: So, if someone was to receive, I guess, like an unwanted message – or an unexpected or somewhat negative message – you would see your role as the reader to help them find the answer for themselves; and perhaps facilitate the process so that they could discover the answers for fixing that themselves, rather than you giving specific advice of, “Do this, do that.”?

Is that sort of a summary….?

Mary Greer: Or not even needing to fix it.

Sometimes we just need to recognize it.

The Five of Cups is the card where someone’s standing, in the Rider-Waite deck, black cloak, and there are three spilt cups in front of them and two upright cups behind. And in the background there’s a river and a bridge over it, and a little house on the other side. And so many people immediately say, “You’ve got to stop crying over things that aren’t working, or whatever’s disappointed you, and turn around, pick up those cups, and cross the bridge to the other side.”

My sense of it – that to me is trying to fix it.   My sense of it is, “Oh, you’ve really been disappointed in something. Let’s look what that is. What is the disappointment here?”

And, for a moment, being with them in that experience, and then guiding them through a process of determining: Do they need to grieve? Is this where they need to be? Is this the most appropriate place?

Or is there something urging them to move on at this point, or do something different? Do they need to look in those cups, or at those cups that are behind them?

Is it time to shrug off that black cloak?

Helping them to see where it is that their intuition is telling them to move and to go.

Brigit: So in some ways it almost becomes – well it’s becoming more important for the client to see what’s in the cards, versus you as the reader.

Because I think that’s quite a style difference. There are some readers that almost expect, I guess, to do all the talking during a whole reading – which is to convey the information, convey advice, and, as you say, like fixing; whereas this is quite a pivot, where it’s more about facilitating the process within the client to tap into their own intuition, perhaps through some guided questions, so that they can then walk out of that session with a stronger feeling of empowerment and that they can do something about the situation, versus being told what to do.

Mary Greer: Yeah. And that’s partly my own philosophy and way of looking at things.

There are excellent readers, and sometimes we need a reader who’s just going to give us some bald/bold information [00:27:19]: “Will this work out?”

I go to Lenormand cards when I want that kind of answer. I found them to be surprisingly accurate on very factual things – anywhere from finding lost objects, to just letting somebody know whether or not something is going to happen in the near future. They work best in something that’s very current – not long term things: “Will I ever get married?”

Lenormand cards are not going to help you very much, especially if it’s something off in the distance; whereas with Tarot I really do prefer to go deeper.

But a lot of it is being more of a fair witness to where the person is. And in recognizing where they are, they often come to their own realization whether I actually guide them through it or not. Sometimes they just need somebody to hear that they’re grieving, and that that’s okay.

They might say, “It’s really time for you to move on.”

And a reader can just be, “You are grieving.”

And that can be very, very powerful when it’s done right.

Brigit: Yeah. I think that’s really interesting. I think a lot of readers could benefit from just simply stating what’s happening now. It’s kind of like: Shine the light of consciousness on the now, as opposed to, as you say, fix and resolve.

Even just to do it as an experiment in the next reading that you do. Just almost convey, what you see in the now, and then leave it at that. And see: How does that feel, and what do you experience as a reader? What does the client experience?

I think that could be very interesting.

Mary Greer:   And it goes along with the idea that we, intuitively, feel that intuition is going to be a doorway to the truth.

And the more we keep with the very simple, immediate things in the now, the closer we can be to that. And not trying so much to tell somebody of how, you know, they are, but to guide them through a process and be that fair witness to what it is that they are feeling.

If you have a client describe a card like from the Rider-Waite deck, or any deck that has a good pictorial scene on it, they’re going to say what their situation is. And sometimes just repeating what they’ve said, and having them hear it from somebody else’s voice – from someone else – is that clarification for them of: This is what is. This is where I am. This is what I’m dealing with.

How many readings have we done where a person says – a relationship reading that’s going bad – and they keep saying, “Yes, but it just doesn’t work. This advice that you’re giving me, I’ve tried it. It doesn’t work. It’s not working.”

And what if we, as readers say, “I hear you say it’s not working.”?

And I did that with one person once that was having a very bad relationship issue, and she called me a year later and said, “You know, I want a new reading with you because the last one worked out so well. You told me that my relationship just wasn’t working with my husband, and I got a divorce, and I’m so happy now.”

And I said, “I told you to get a divorce?!”

And after we talked it over for a few minutes she finally kind of laughingly acknowledged that, no, she had told herself that!

She remembered it as me saying it, but the reality was that I had just reiterated what she was saying.

And acknowledged that as her own wisdom.

Brigit: Yeah, and I think that is just so incredibly powerful, because I think Tarot readers often feel like they have to have the answers.

But I actually think maybe it’s that we’ve got to have the questions, and our clients have the answers.

But we can ask very conscious questions based on what we’re seeing in the cards, and what we’re intuiting at the time. And then it’s almost like it plants the seed. You don’t have to see the result in that session.

Because I remember experiencing that a few years ago, where I was doing face-to-face readings and I would think, ‘Oh, we haven’t quite got there.’

We would be wrapping up the reading thinking, ‘Oh, it’s not quite right.’

And then I would hear from them a few days later: “Oh my goodness Brigit, I went away from that reading and it all just started sinking in, and everything came apparent.”

I think often we have to allow the space after the reading for that seed to be planted, and then to start to manifest and unfold for the client.

Yet we kind of want that instant response if we’re too caught up in the actual reading.

Mary Greer:   Yeah, I had a situation with a Ten of Pentacles where we went through a couple of the options of what it could be, and I said, “Well, you know, one of the older traditions is that it’s an inheritance.”

And I said, “Could that be that?”

And the person kept going, “No, no, no. It’s not that.”

And finally I just admitted I had no idea what that card was doing in the reading and what it meant. And interestingly, a couple of months later she called me up and said, “You know that card you couldn’t figure out? It was an inheritance!”

And she’d insisted that, no, that could not possibly be it!

So one thing I’ve learned is that I’m not as attached as I used to be, to being right.

And sometimes I will deliberately be wrong, because it gives the client an opportunity.

That’s when my intuition comes: When is this a moment for me to say something that I know is wrong, so that my client can correct me?

And that I can then say, “Oh, let’s look at that,” or, “You know, that feels right. I think you’ve got it.”

And those have been some of the most powerful moments in readings.

And, to me, that’s my intuition telling me: Now’s the moment for me to step back; for me to be wrong; for me to give the moment, the opportunity to have this insight.

Have I dug a big enough hole for them to fall into? – is basically my mental image.

And my intuition is just stepping back for a moment to give them enough space to do that. And I’m perfectly fine with being wrong in those contexts, if it allows them the opportunity to have that breakthrough moment.

Brigit: And I think, ultimately, this is all about separating from the ego, and letting go of the ego, and letting more of – I don’t know the words for it – but letting the “something” unfold more organically.

Mary Greer:   And that’s one of the big things. There are a couple of check points when you’re working with intuition, and that is: Whenever you feel the need to convince the other person of something, it’s probably not your intuition.

The stronger you feel that you have to brow beat them, convince them, get them to see something, the more likely it is that you’re stuck in something in yourself.

If you’re trying to fix them – if there’s a judgement attached: “Oh, it’s wrong to leave your husband.”

Whenever there’s a judgement attached – the more non-judgmental you are in your intuition, the more likely there is that you’re touching on something that’s real.

If there’s worry or fear in you – “Oh, I’ve got to get this” – “Oh, I’ve got to figure it out for them” – you’re stepping out of your intuition.

So the more you feel expansive, non-judgmental – that something is almost too obvious for you to even bother putting into words because, of course, anybody could see it.

That’s another thing – that not necessarily everybody can see it. Sometimes they need you to put that into words. But if it feels just too much “what is” to even bother mentioning, there’s a likelihood that that’s an intuitive insight.

So the more clarity and detachment you have, unemotional, calmness, about the situation – the kind of “if it works for them, fine; if it doesn’t, fine” – the more chance is that you’re working with your intuition.

The more you feel pushed, anxious, determined to get them to see – the more you’re stepping out of that intuitive sense.

Brigit:   My goodness, that is golden.

Because I think that’s what people struggle with so much – like: When do I know it’s my intuition talking? Or is it just me? Or am I trying to make it something that it’s not?

I think what you’ve outlined there is so incredibly helpful, because they’re things that you can really see and notice when you’re doing a reading. And if you’re in tune with yourself, which is what most of us Tarot readers are, you can start to feel it when you are becoming, as you say, more pushy or determined with a certain message – or even if you are feeling a little bit judgemental.

I think that’s absolutely wonderful.

Oh my goodness Mary, we could talk about this for ever.

I’ve had so much fun on this podcast and this conversation.

It’s been incredibly insightful, and I just know that we’ve probably just scraped the surface of everything that you know.

So I want to say firstly, a massive thank you for sharing everything that you’ve shared today, and, of course, everything that you do in the Tarot world. I think that you’re an absolute beacon of light, and such a lovely, wonderful person, who’s very humble and approachful. So I want to say I appreciate that very much.

One last question: Where can people go to find out more about you?

Mary Greer:   My blog is probably the best place.

There’s a whole range of different articles from history, to Lenormand, to different aspects of Tarot.

And that’s at:

Brigit: Fabulous. We’ll make sure to include that in the show notes as well.

And I’m going to also include a couple of links to your most popular books – you’ve done a lot of things, so I’ll pop in a few of my personal favourites.

So thank you so much Mary. I appreciate it so much and I know that our listeners will also have gotten a huge amount out of today’s conversation. So thank you for being a part of it.

Mary Greer: Thank you Brigit, I really enjoyed our conversation too.

Brigit:   Wonderful.

If you loved this podcast episode, then make sure you leave a 5-star review on iTunes, and subscribe to get the latest podcasts.

I am SO looking forward to being a part of your journey with the Tarot in the future.

So until next time, I am sending you lots of love and support as you connect with the Tarot cards.

Thank you and good-bye.


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