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Monthly Tarot Forecast for February 2016

By January 28, 2016 July 27th, 2017


February 2016 may be a more challenging month than most. You're going to have to use every ounce of perseverance available to you to get across the finish line and complete your projects. You might be out of holiday mode and back in the grind, but remember, you choose whether you're going to let it get you down or if you can find your own ray of sunshine and fun.

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Watch the Tarot card forecast to discover exactly what’s coming up in February 2016 and how to make the most of the month ahead.

Video Transcript:

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Hi, I'm Brigit, founder of Biddy Tarot, and this is the monthly Tarot forecast for the month of February, 2016.

Okay, so we are going to have a look at our Blessings, our Challenges, and the recommended course of action for the month ahead.

Let’s begin with Blessings, and we’ve got the Nine of Wands here.

So you can see this guy here – he looks pretty worn out – he’s bandaged – he looks like he’s had a pretty rough time. And he’s looking over his shoulder and behind him are these wands that kind of look a little bit threatening. Now, you might be wondering: Why is this showing up as a Blessing?

Well, the Nine of Wands, in its more positive form, is about perseverance. And it being a Nine is the indication that you are very close to the end of this particular cycle. And so if you could just make it that one extra step, you reach the 10 and you can begin a new cycle.

So it’s kind of like this is a testing time for you, but your Blessing is that you have the perseverance within you in order to overcome these challenging and testing times. So even though you might feel a little bit weary, exhausted, you know, not quite yourself this month, just know that if you just keep plodding forward and persevering, you will get to the end, and then the new cycle will be able to begin, and that will be a lot better…trust me!

So, here are our Challenges, and this time we have got the Sun reversed.

Now, again, this does indicate that perhaps this month isn’t quite as fun as you wanted it to be. And, you know, February right? So we’ve just had a holiday season; for us in the Southern Hemisphere, we’ve had Summer so we’ve been out in the sun a lot, and then typically by February, you know, the kids are going back to school, we are back in a school routine, you’re back at work – that kind of fun side of the holidays is starting to disappear and fade away.

Now you have a choice, right?

So you can decide: Am I just going to get all down in the doldrums that I’m not on holiday anymore; or am I just going to say, “You know what, I’m just back into the routine. Let’s just go with it.”?

So, that’s really your challenge: Are you going to cope with being out of the sun again?

And perhaps there’s a way that you can still have fun and play, even though you are back in your normal routine.

Okay, so let’s check out the recommended course of action for February.

And here I have the King of Swords reversed.

Now this King, he does have a tendency to be a little bit judgemental. And in the reverse position he can indicate that you’re being quite self-critical.

So if you find yourself this month thinking like, ‘Oh, I didn’t do that well enough,’ or, ‘I should be more this, or less this,’ you need to stop yourself and say, “Hang on a second, am I helping myself here with this kind of thought, or am I actually putting myself down?”

And the bigger test is: Would I feel comfortable saying, what I am saying to myself, saying that to someone else?

Because I think sometimes we can be like our worst critic. And we can be so mean to ourselves with the stuff that we say in our head.

So the Kind of Swords reversed is really just questioning you, and challenging you, around:   How are you speaking to yourself? How are you judging yourself and assessing yourself?

And if you find yourself being a little bit too critical, then ease up. You know, that’s probably what’s also going to help you have a bit more fun, and be able to turn this reversed Sun into an upright Sun where you are having a lot more fun.

So, let’s have a look at it in summary: A little bit of a harder month, this month, but you have it within you to persevere and to push on. And you are so close to completing this work so that you can begin a new cycle and a new beginning.

Just keep plodding on. That’s your Blessing would you believe it!

Your Blessing is perseverance – c’mon, let’s do it!!

Okay, and remember our Challenge is feeling a little bit blue – probably the after-holidays blues. And remember it’s your choice. You can choose to get all down in the doldrums, or you can choose to just accept you are back in the routine, and maybe there are some other ways that you can be like our little boy here on the horse and have a bit more fun.

It’s up to you.

And with our reversed King of Swords, remember not to be so critical of yourself. Be kind to yourself. And that is going to help you manage, you know, some of these after-holiday blues a little bit better.

So, there you have it.

Maybe not like the most glowing month of the year, but we do have our ups and downs; and remember that everything does move in cycles. So even though we have some rough months, we always have better months. And we kind of need those rough months in order to see a better month and go, “Yeah, that was a really good month compared to my other one.”

So, there you have it. That’s the monthly forecast for February, and I can’t wait to see you next time.



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