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Monthly Tarot Forecast for December 2015

By November 27, 2015 July 27th, 2017

blog-20151127-monthly-tarot-forecast-for-december-2015In December 2015, you may find yourself wanting to retreat into your internal world – yes, even with all the celebrations and social events going on around you. The key is, don't sweat the small stuff and know that sometimes you can't always do everything you want – in fact, it's often better if you can strategically leave behind those things that are getting in the way of your goals.

Watch the Tarot card forecast to discover what's coming up in December 2015 and how to make the most of the month ahead.

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Hi, I'm Brigit Esselmont, Professional Tarot Reader and teacher.

I am here today with your Tarot card forecast for December, 2015. The last month of the year! Hooray!

As always, I am going to draw three cards. We are going to look at the Blessings, and the Challenges, and what can you do to manifest the goals that you want for this month.

So let’s take a look.

Now, we do have three reverse Tarot cards this month. But let’s just walk through then, because even though we sometimes look at reversed cards and we think, ‘Oh, that is not good. There is a lot of blocked energy. That can’t be good,’ I also see reverse Tarot cards as a sign that we are actually bringing our energy inward.

I know December time is a very busy time. I have often been through those periods in December, when it is crazy and busy, where I think, ‘Oh my goodness, I am actually done with all the socializing. I just need to bring my energy back in.’

So you might find that as well this month. If all of those Christmas parties are getting a little bit too much, make sure you are finding time just to re-energize and have some time on your own. Don’t feel like you have to be out there all of the time, socializing with everybody.

Let’s take a look at our cards.

Let’s look at first our Blessings or Opportunities.

Now with the Eight of Pentacles – let’s look at it when it is in the upright position. This man is working on etching little pentacles into the coins. He has obviously done quite a few, because he has created all these ones here, and he is getting better at what he is doing. He has to focus though on the absolute, tiny, minute details to make sure that everything is right. Imagine doing the same thing over and over and over. You have got to make sure it is right,every single time, and no doubt you are getting a lot better as you are going about it.

When this card is in reverse, it actually says to us that it is not going to serve us well if we are always focusing on the minute details – and not to sweat the small stuff. Sometimes we just have to step back and have a look at the bigger picture. And I definitely see that in this card.

So the opportunity for December is: Don’t get too caught up in all of the tiny, tiny details. If you are planning a big family get together, maybe it doesn’t matter exactly what kinds of nuts your Aunty is going to bring to the event; or if you should have three bottles of soft drink or four bottles. It will all work out in the end. You don’t need to sweat the small stuff. It is okay.

So that is an interesting one.

And then to add to that, we have got our Challenge card – and that is the Ten of Wands reversed.

I don’t know about you, but if you start to focus a lot on all the teeny, tiny stuff, it kind of starts to feel a bit onerous. And, as you can see in that upright card, it gets quite heavy, and this heavy burden is weighing on you. So when you take on too much of all the tiny things, that actually don’t really matter, it puts a lot of heavy weight on you.

And so the Challenge this month is figuring out how you can reduce some of that work load. How can you let go of some of the responsibilities that have fallen on to you?

Perhaps you have even taken on a little bit too much. Maybe you have offered to host the big family gathering at your house, and you suddenly realize there are going to be 80 people and you said, “Oh yes, I will do all the cooking,”and now you are thinking, ‘Noooo! I can’t do all the cooking!’

So have a think about what is coming up for you this month; and have you taken on a little bit more than you can really handle?

And, if so, how can you let go some of that? How can you get some help from other people so that you can lighten the load?

You don’t have to do it all yourself.

Now our final card is the Seven of Swords reversed.

This shows up for how you can create a wonderful month. I know a lot of people associate this card with really yucky things – deceit, betrayal, cheating even.  I actually prefer to see this card as being strategic, and being mindful about what you decide to take on, and what you decide not to take on.

Again, have a look at the imagery here. This man, yes okay, he is nicking off with these five swords, and he has left behind two. But if you have a look at this in terms of strategy, he knows that he can’t take everything with him so he is just going to take what he can.

It is the same with this in a reverse position. You can’t necessarily do everything. You can’t take everything on, and so you will have to leave some things behind.

And, remember, that is a similar message with the Ten of Wands. You can’t take on everything. Sometimes you have to hand over some of it to other people to help you with, instead of trying to do it all yourself.

Another thing that comes up with this card is also that feeling of being a bit of a fraud. You know, like, you put yourself out there as kind of like an expert or that you know a lot about a particular topic, and then you realize, “Oh my goodness, what if people think that I am not the expert?’

Some of that fear stuff can come up with the Seven of Swords reversed. Just know that is your fear talking. That isn’t real. That feeling of fraud is just part of your growth and development. So if you have been feeling that way lately, just go, “Okay, well that is interesting I am feeling that way, but I know I am actually really good at what I do and I don’t have to feel that way. I do know a lot about the topic that I am talking about,” – those kinds of things.

And also remembering that strategic element, and knowing that you can leave a few things behind and it is okay.

So there you have it: Don’t sweat the small stuff, there are actually a lot of opportunities when you are not focusing on the details; know that you don’t have to take on everything, and that includes cooking for a whole family, and extended family; and also know that it is okay to leave a few things behind, and that you can be a little bit strategic, and in some ways even a little bit selfish.

It might feel a bit selfish but, trust me, with this combination of cards, I think you are going to find that when you put your needs first, and say, “You know what? I can’t actually take on everything that you are trying to put on me,” – when you do that, you are actually setting yourself up for success and you are setting other people up for success also. It means that you can remain sane, stay calm and relaxed, and then you can help other people as well.

So that is it for this month, and for this year. I hope that you have enjoyed the monthly forecast, and I really look forward to connecting with you again very soon.

See you later.


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