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Monthly Tarot Forecast for October 2015

By September 29, 2015 July 27th, 2017


The Court Cards make an appearance in this month's Tarot forecast – a sign that people and their personalities will be a key theme for October. Be aware of any power-hungry people who want to claim their position of authority and don't be afraid to put them right back in their place. Your clear thinking will help to cut to the heart of the matter and move forward.

Watch the Tarot card forecast to discover what's coming up in October 2015 and how to make the most of the month ahead.

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Video Transcript:

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Hi, I'm Brigit Esselmont, Professional Tarot Reader and teacher.

I am here today to share with you the Tarot card forecast for October, 2015.

As always, I am going to share with you three cards. We are going to look at: Our Blessings for this month;our potential Challenges; and what we can do to make this a fabulous, fabulous month.

So, let’s get into it!

Now very interestingly, all of the cards I drew for this month ahead are from the Court cards. Now, if you are not familiar with Tarot you might be thinking, ‘What on Earth are Court cards?’

So we have actually got a Queen, and two Kings. And to me that is a sign that this month might be filled with a few interesting personalities. And so you might find that there are both female and male energy around you this month, andthey are influencing your own life quite a bit.

You may also find that your own personalities are coming out in different ways – that you are expressing different parts of yourself.

So, yes, this month really be focussing on:How am I expressing my personality, and how is my personality integrating with other people’s personality?

A very interesting one to watch.

So, let’s get into our cards.

Now for our Opportunity this month,we have got the Queen of Swords reversed.

I kind of like to look at this card as putting theheart over the head. When we look at the Queen of Swords in the upright position she talks a lot about thinking with your head. But when she is in the reversed position, we are actually thinking a lot about thinking with our heart, or acting from a heart-space.

Sometimes this can sort of – the not so good side of the reversed Queen of Swords is that you are thinking too much with your heart, but given that this is an opportunity, I see a great opportunity this month for actually thinking with your heart instead of your head. And sometimes we just need to say to our Logical Mind, “Thank you Logical Mind. Thank you for being there, but right now I need to listen to my heart, and that is where I am going to get the greatest opportunities.”

So if you find yourself getting in a place where you are getting a little bit too directive, and very in that critical space, it is just to bring your attention back into your heart-space, and soften yourself. Take a few deep breathes and go back into that heart-space,and then have a look at the situation again.

And I think you will find you will have a much better response that way. So definitely tune in to your heart-space.

Now, in terms of our Challenges, we have the King of Pentacles reversed.

This King is kind of like a bit of a father figure really. And this King can kind of get into that place where he is a little bit controlling and domineering; a little bit paternalistic; likes to play the masculine role very much.

I also just want to point out here that while we are dealing with a masculine energy it doesn’t necessarily mean a male. I am sure that you know many women who demonstrate a lot of masculine energy and, likewise, you probably know some men who demonstrate feminine energy.   We each have this balance in ourselves.So think about it more in terms of energy, rather than looking out for men or women in your life.

But with the reversed King of Pentacles what you may need to watch out for this month is anyone who is sort of taking that controlling, domineering position over you; and maybe taking away your power. And also looking out for any of that patriarchal energy that isn’t serving you.

And with this being the Pentacle suit this may manifest itself in your career, or around your finances, but even, to some extent, in the home environment. Maybe there is someone who is trying to influence you in a certain way, thinking they can play that father-figure role when, in fact, you are an independent person and you can make your own decisions, thanks very much Mr King of Pentacles!

So that is an interesting one to watch out for.

Now, to make the most of this month ahead, we have the King of Swords.

And the King of Swords is reclaiming his own power. And he is saying, “You know what? I am the one in charge. This is my life, and I am going to do it my way, thanks very much!”

And so he has the sword, which is the sword of truth and power, and authority. And even if he is dealing with a King of Pentacles over here who is trying to like weasel their way in and dominate, and trying to take over a little bit, this King says, “No, this is my life. You can back off. Deal with your life over there, but I am going to have mine over here.”

So make sure that you deal with any potential issues around wanting to control your life, by reclaiming your power, because it is right there, already within you; and being quite firm and decisive in your actions.

Now, of course, we still have the energy of the Queen of Swords reversed, who is asking you to think with your heart. I sort of see these like balancing each other out. If you are having to confront other people who are trying to take away your power then, absolutely, stand up for yourself. Reclaim your power. But, as you are sort of going through that process, you might also want to connect in with your heart-energy and think about on a more feminine energy level: What would help to balance that situation out?

Because you are displaying a lot of masculine energy, but how do you balance it out with a bit more of that feminine energy as well?

So I hope you have a wonderful month ahead. There are a few of those dominant Kings around you, but the more that you can really stake your claim and say, “This is my space,” the better, because I think that really shows other people that they can’t push you around; that you are in control of your life.

So with that, I wish you the very best for the month ahead, and I shall see you next time.


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