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3 Simple Steps to Kick-Start Your Tarot Business

By July 11, 2018 February 16th, 2021

kick start your tarot business

Woo! You're fired up and ready to start reading Tarot professionally. But where do you start? And when are you really ready to flip the ‘Open' sign on your Tarot business?

If you're about to start your Tarot business but you're feeling like a deer in headlights, startled by what's ahead of you, breathe a sigh of relief! Starting up your Tarot business doesn't have to be hard or complicated. In fact, the sooner you can get started, the better because there's a whole lotta potential right out in front of you, just waiting for you to say ‘yes' to!

3 Simple Steps to Kick-Start Your Tarot Business

So get ready to take action as I share with you 3 simple steps to kick-start your Tarot business. Yes, you can be up and running in no time. Just get yourself out there and do it!

Step #1: Get Clear on What You're Offering

Have at least 2 or 3 different Tarot readings that you can offer your clients.

The easiest way is to determine your Tarot reading offers is to organize your readings according to the time invested (e.g. a 30 minute Tarot reading and a 60 minute Tarot reading), the number of Tarot cards drawn (e.g. 4-7 cards or 8-12 cards) or the number of questions asked (although keep in mind, how will you define what constitutes just 1 question?).

Or you might want to have different readings for different topics or spreads such as a relationship reading or a career direction spread.

But why not take it a step further and consider what you're really offering here.

What Value do You Bring?

What value do you offer your clients when they have a Tarot reading with you? What changes do you inspire? What kinds of transformation do you support? What's truly different in your clients' lives after they have invested time, energy and money with you?

Once you're clear on what value you're truly offering, then create your Tarot reading packages around those outcomes. For example, you might support your clients in connecting with their soul purpose so you create a “Connect with Your Soul Purpose Reading”. Or you might support clients through major life transitions so you create a “Smooth Transitions Reading”.

Step #2: Set Your Prices and Have a Way to Collect Payment

So you know what Tarot readings you're offering to your clients. Now you need to set your prices and have a way to collect payment.

Pricing is a delicate balance of many different elements from the value you deliver to your clients, to your personal income goals and even to self-worth and self-confidence.

Set Your Price Points

The best place to start is by choosing 3 or 4 different price points for each type of reading. Then, bring yourself into a deeply relaxed state, connecting with your Higher Self and your heart chakra. In your mind's eye, call out each price and see how this resonates with your heart. Go with the price that feels the best. Then commit to it and believe in it. You'll know after a month or two of charging that particular price whether it's resonating or not, and you can easily make adjustments later down the track. Don't let it be something that gets in the way of you starting.

Set Up Payment

You'll also need to make sure you're ready to collect payment.

If you're starting your Tarot business online, then the easiest way is to sign up for a PayPal account. That way, your clients can pay you via credit card or PayPal with a single click.

If you're running a local Tarot business, then you can accept payment at the time of the reading but better yet, I recommend pre-payment at the time of booking (again, use PayPal).

Step #3: Find Your Platform

Awesome – you know what you're offering and you're ready to collect payment for your services. You're one step away from being open for business!

Now you've got to find your platform. That is, how are you going to reach your potential clients and make a real difference in the world?

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Add A Bit of Practical Magic to Your Tarot Readings

Join Brigit Esselmont in this groundbreaking workshop and discover the surprising secrets that will help you unlock your true potential and craft impactful, transformational readings — NOW

Create Your Own Website

If you're starting your Tarot business online, there are a number of options available. I strongly believe the best place to set up your online Tarot business is with your own website, on your own domain. It's easily done – get yourself a website host (e.g. GoDaddy or Bluehost), a domain (usually through your host), install WordPress (again, you can usually do this with one click through your host), choose a theme (there are many free ones on WordPress) and voila, you're done!

What to Avoid

Avoid third party websites such as or Blogger. Why? Because you're on their terms and not your own. And what if they decided tomorrow to shut up shop or ban Tarot readers from using their services (just like eBay did)? Eeks.

Other Online Marketing


You could also create a Page on Facebook so you can quickly start offering Tarot readings. But again, Facebook is a third party provider so you lose control over your business. Best to treat this as a short-term strategy while you get your website up and running.


Etsy is another option especially as you can start offering your readings directly on your page. However, there are so many people selling Tarot readings at low prices that it's likely you'll find charging higher prices a lot more challenging.

In Person Tarot Business

If you're starting your Tarot business locally, you can set up shop at your home (be mindful of your personal security and privacy), by offering a home visit service (again, be mindful of your safety and travel time), at a new age shop (and pay a commission or rent to the owner) or in a local café, bar or hairdresser (with permission from the owner, of course!!).

And You're Open!

As soon as you have your Tarot reading offers, prices and platform, you're ready to go. Flip that sign over and you're open for business!

Of course, you'll then want to focus on extending your reach and connecting with as many potential clients as possible. Start with my 78 strategies to market your Tarot business right here.

Ready to Grow Your Tarot Business?

Are you serious about creating and growing your Tarot business?

A business where you are making a difference in people’s lives and doing what you love to do – helping and inspiring people.

A business where you are making a serious income because your customers truly value the work you do and they keep coming back for more.

A business where you feel confident and genuinely ‘good’ about what you are putting out into the Universe.

A business where you can work on your own terms and spend more time with your loved ones because you are so effective at what you do.

If this resonates with you, then I invite you to join me in my signature Tarot business training program, Grow Your Tarot Business Online.

Grow Your Tarot Business Online is a self-paced program designed for professional Tarot readers who want to build a thriving (and inspiring) Tarot business online.

What You Get in “Grow Your Tarot Business Online”

Over 6 information-packed modules, you will learn the step-by-step strategies that connect your lifestyle, business, values and passions to create a sustainable and thriving business you love. Plus, you’ll be able to implement what you learn straight away, growing your Tarot business as you participate in the program.

This is your opportunity to share your unique talents and gifts with the world, while creating an abundant lifestyle (both spiritually and financially) for you and the people you connect with.

> Find out more about the Grow Your Tarot Business Online program here

kick start your tarot business


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