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How to Really Learn Tarot: 5 Secrets to Becoming a Confident Tarot Reader

By February 26, 2014 May 4th, 2018

blog-20140226-how-to-really-learn-tarot-5-secrets-to-becoming-a-confident-tarot-readerSo, you want to become a confident and intuitive Tarot reader? You want to be that Tarot reader who nails it every time, who builds an instant connection with his/her clients, and who naturally finds a ‘flow' within the Tarot cards.

But if you're just starting to learn the Tarot, it all seems so far away. In fact, it probably seems downright impossible and completely out of reach.

Where on earth do you begin?!

Well today I want to share with you my very own strategies to become a confident Tarot reader. These are strategies I have personally used in my Tarot reading studies and they have helped me immensely to be the professional Tarot reader and teacher that I am today.

So, are you ready? Listen up! Here are my 5 secrets for how to really learn Tarot.

1. Avoid Information Overload

Whether you're a complete Tarot newbie or you've studied the Tarot cards for a number of years, it is SO easy to fall into the trap of information overload, especially with such a deep and expansive tool like the Tarot.

For example, you could easily spend 3 months getting to know each of the 78 Tarot cards. But that's 234 months (or 19.5 years) until you have worked your way through the cards. Holy moly.

Or, you could absorb yourself in all of the different systems associated with the Tarot, such as astrology, numerology, spirituality, shamanism, chakras, kabbalah, Wicca, paganism, symbolism, psychology, Sufism, Christian history, and so on. But by the time you've done that, you will probably have already lived to 100… 4 times!

If you want to become a confident Tarot reader quickly, then I strongly suggest you keep it simple.

Focus on what you really need to know to read the Tarot cards and leave the rest until you have some more ‘headspace' to take on new information.

2. Make Tarot a Part of Your Day

When asked what the biggest challenge is in learning Tarot, many people say it's lack of time.

“I'm working a full-time job, and I'm studying a degree part-time, plus I'm a mum to 3 kids under 4. Oh, and did I mention I also have to look after my sick parents and travel for work? I never have time to devote to my Tarot studies!”

Unless you're fully enlightened or blessed with the ability to employ help (LOTS of help), it's likely you, too, have very little time on your hands to devote to your own Tarot studies. Sitting down to read a Tarot book or to read your cards is often a luxury and something that is only rarely afforded.

But do you know the real secret to learning Tarot?

Make Tarot a part of your every day.

Yes, it's that easy.

Here's how.

Draw a Tarot card every morning and then go about your day, relating your personal experiences to that Tarot card. Let's say you get the Eight of Pentacles. Look out for that energy throughout the day – are you working diligently on a focused task? Are you learning a new skill? Are you improving your experience today?

Also look to embody that card's energy throughout the day. Feel what it's like to be the Tarot card. If you've got the Eight of Pentacles, focus solely and completely on one task at a time, or commit to doing your chores today. Take note of what it feels like and what you learn during the experience.

Then, at the end of the day, spend 5-10 minutes journaling your insights and experiences. You'll be amazed at how much new information you get about the Tarot cards and how much they become a part of you.

And remember, learning Tarot doesn't have to be like doing boring homework. It's meant to fun and engaging, and a part of your every day life.

3. Practice! Practice! Practice!

I don't care whether you just picked up the Tarot cards for the first time today or if you've been reading Tarot for 30 years. If you want to become a confident Tarot reader, you need to practice, practice, practice!

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Add A Bit of Practical Magic to Your Tarot Readings

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To be a Tarot reader, you need to read Tarot, right?! So get onto it!

Start by reading the Tarot cards for yourself (and make sure you avoid these 6 beginner mistakes). You only need a simple question and a 1-card draw to get started.

Then, when you're feeling more confident (or you're sick of reading for yourself everyday), read Tarot for friends or family, and eventually for strangers. (If you want to read Tarot in exchange for feedback, join the Biddy Tarot Network here.)

And when you do read Tarot for others, make sure you ask for their feedback and input. What did you nail? What needs improvement? This will make you an even better Tarot reader and will give you full confidence that you really do know what you're doing.

4. Believe in Yourself

Cliché – yes.

Relevant – absolutely.

If you hand-on-heart believe that you CAN read the Tarot with ease, then you will.

Becoming a confident Tarot reader and connecting with your intuition is ALL about believing in yourself and opening up your mind to a world of possibility.

Start by reassuring yourself that you can do this and you really do have it within you to be an amazing Tarot reader. I know you can do it!

5. Learn the ‘How' Not the ‘What'

SO many Tarot beginners start their studies by rote learning the Tarot card meanings. Not only is it boring but it's often incredibly ineffective.

Why? Because you're relying on your rational brain to recall the generic meanings of the Tarot cards (which is what a computer does) rather than relying on your creative, intuitive brain to connect with the meanings that are relevant and unique to the situation you're working with.

If you want to be a confident and intuitive Tarot reader, you need to learn how to interpret the cards rather than what each card means.

You need to learn the basic systems that underlie the Tarot cards and form the ‘structure' of the Tarot.

You need to learn how to connect with the imagery within the Tarot cards to access your deep inner wisdom and intuition.

You need to learn how to build a personal relationship with the Tarot cards, so that cards become very ‘real' for you and so that you can embody the true energy of the Tarot cards.

When you learn the ‘how', reading Tarot flows easily and naturally because Tarot is already a part of you.

Are you ready to take your Tarot reading skills to the next level and become a confident and intuitive Tarot reader? If so, then I have something very special for you.


Master the Tarot Card MeaningsYou're invited to join me on a journey through the Tarot cards. Together, we'll discover and explore the meanings of the 78 Tarot cards and I'll share with you even more of my personal secrets and strategies for building a personal connection with the Tarot.

Master the Tarot Card Meanings

By the end of our time together, you'll have a deep and personal connection with the Tarot cards and will be a more confident and intuitive Tarot reader.

Can't wait to get started?


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Add A Bit of Practical Magic to Your Tarot Readings

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