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Six of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

Six of Wands Keywords

UPRIGHT: Success, public recognition, progress, self-confidence

REVERSED: Private achievement, personal definition of success, fall from grace, egotism

Six of Wands Description

The Six of Wands depicts a man wearing a victory wreath around his head and riding a decorated white horse through a crowd of cheering people. His horse represents strength, purity and the successful progression of an adventure, and the group of people marks the public recognition for the man’s achievements. The rider holds an upright wand with a wreath tied to the top, further emphasising success and achievement. He is not afraid to show off to others what he has accomplished in his life so far and, even better, the surrounding crowd is delighted to cheer him along.

NOTE: The Tarot card meaning description is based on the Rider Waite cards.

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Six of Wands Upright

The Six of Wands appears when you have reached an important milestone or achieved a significant goal, and you are confident, self-assured, and successful. You harnessed your strengths and talents to bring about a happy outcome in your endeavours and made it through the chaos of the Five of Wands, minimising your distractions and focusing on the task at hand. Yes, there were challenges along the way, but you overcame them by concentrating your energies on the one target.

The Six of Wands suggests that not only have you achieved your goals, but you are also receiving public acknowledgement for your efforts. You may have recently received an award, acclaim or recognition from your peers for your work. It may even be just a pat on the back, but this attention is a big boost to your confidence and gives you the strength to continue your endeavours.

The Six of Wands also encourages you to put yourself out there and be proud of what you achieved. Shout your successes from the rooftop and set it all out there for others to see and cheer you on. Be open to receiving love and support from your biggest cheerleaders, who are energised by seeing you succeed. Now is your time to shine!

The Six of Wands is a positive encouragement to believe in who you are and your accomplishments so far. Have faith in what you’ve done and how others will receive it. Do not let fear or guilt stand in the way of your success. You ought to be proud! Hold your head up high and know you‘re worthy of admiration.

While the Six of Wands marks an important milestone, keep in mind that you’re not quite at the finish line just yet. You still have some way to go, and challenges may sit on the path ahead – but take heart knowing you have the support of those around you and they are here to back you 100%

Six of Wands Reversed

Six of Wands Tarot Card Meanings tarot card meaning

The Six of Wands reversed suggests that you have reached a significant personal milestone, but unlike the upright version of this card, you prefer to keep it to yourself right now. You may be uncomfortable receiving public praise for your work, or it may be such a private achievement that you have no reason to share it with others. Check in with yourself though: are you avoiding sharing it because you lack confidence or feel nervous about being too over-the-top?

The reversed Six of Wands encourages you to create your own definition of success. If you have found yourself seeking approval and validation or comparing yourself to others, you may have stripped yourself of your personal power and self-belief. Rather than relying on someone else’s opinions of what is ‘successful’ and what is not, bring your energy and attention within and ask yourself, ‘What does success mean to me?’ Your answer will look different from other people’s interpretations because your values and priorities are unique to you. When you are clear about what success means to you, you will make better decisions that are more in alignment with who you really are, and increase your confidence and independence – and that’s a good thing!

At times, the reversed Six of Wands may suggest that you had a fall from grace and did not receive the public recognition you were seeking. You got no feedback for your efforts, or received criticism instead. You may have expected things to work well, but instead, you are being punished or neglected. Now, your confidence has taken a hit, as has your professional reputation or at least your perception of your status. If a particular project has not been as successful as you had hoped, you may be better off moving to a new environment so you can rebuild your personal brand rather than trying to fix something already broken.

The shadow side of the reversed Six of Wands is that it can also bring self-importance, arrogance and egotistical behaviours. Armed with a win and a boost to your self-confidence, you may come to think that nobody is better than you. If you take on this selfish attitude, someone is likely to want to knock you down a peg, bringing disappointment and potential disrepute later on. Reign in your ego and make your victory all the sweeter.

Six of Wands Tarot Card Meanings tarot card meaning